Ep 18 | Bonus: This One’s for the Dads (Interview with Trae Bailey of Classical Education)

Did you think we were finally finishing Mason’s twenty principles?

Not. Just. Yet. My. Friend.

While thinking through some angles on educational philosophy and pedagogy I can’t speak to, I knew there was another important one besides the older, wiser mom (Catch Bethany in last week’s interview!): the dad.

The good news is that I do know a classical Charlotte Mason homeschooling dad.

Today’s guest is Trae Bailey, a classical educator married to his high-school sweetheart and father to four young children. He kindly joined me to talk about how dads can support the homeschool and the home at-large since every home is one of education.

While moms will certainly leave with some beautiful, encouraging ideas, this one’s for the dads.

Ps. If you’re curious about the story he mentions at the top of the episode, you can find “Bren and Brohen” in Common House. Last month, I shared how we use story in our home to teach and inspire our children by sharing a story I made up on a Tuesday afternoon when my kids were listening to the Dragon Folly.


You can find Trae on his podcast Classical Education or his Substack.

Watch the interview.


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Ep 19 | All of Education is Sacred (Principle #20)


Ep 17 | Bonus: Making Our Philosophy Practical in the Early Years (Interview with Bethany Douglass of Cloistered Away)